The Best Little Whorehouse in Media

By Calvin Hill

As of 2024, the date May 30th, the original historical Memorial Day, will now be marred by the repulsive display of Republican Party legislators, with their conservative media, going before cameras and openly turning tricks for King Pimp, Donald Trump, who had just been criminally convicted on 34 counts in the same New York courthouse where the 5 young black and Latino men were wrongly convicted and wherein Trump called for the death penalty before they had even been availed of the same due process he demanded for Brett Kavanaugh. Those Republicans did not care about the border, immigration policy, inflation, the budget, the military, or any of the issues they claim their constituents sent them to Washington, DC for. Their collective goal is to show their procurer that they are willing to legally prostitute themselves to raise whatever is necessary to prove their loyalty to the fuhrer pimp.

As these appropriate metaphors come to mind, it is not lost on me that leading the onslaught of lies, disinformation and misinformation about convicted felon, Donald Trump, is Fox News Channel, the cable outlet founded by the late Roger Ailes, to allegedly offer a conservative point of view when, in actuality, the movie BOMBSHELL makes it seem somewhat clear that conservatism was only a pretext for Ailes to staff his media creation with a lot of women he wanted to f**k, and a lot of loudmouth lightweight misogynist bitch-men who would choose to close their eyes to his sexism, harassment and debauchery or engage in it themselves. Pardon me for being gauche, but some language deserves explicit terminology so there is no confusion to the point(s) being made. So, forgive me if I don’t view the felony convictions of Donald Trump as though we were locking up the Pope for not blessing a meal.

Sadly, the GOP and the conservative media know that Donald Trump is the same lying, racist, misogynist, business cheating incompetent asshole who has spent much of his adult life living off bankruptcy protection and debt who has violated civil and criminal law and escaped justifiable punishment by paying huge fines tempered with “no admission of guilt” to save the taxpayers money for trials. Trump’s Republican harem did not need to hear former fixer, Michael Cohen, testify to how Trump had him stiff people he owed for services rendered. They knew it during the 2016 presidential campaign. Trump’s political concubines didn’t need to hear details about Stormy Daniels smacking his boxer-clad ass with a magazine before her self described, unpleasant sexual encounter. They could have listened to past interviews when he said he couldn’t run for president because of all the women that would come out of the woodwork. They all knew who Donald Trump was in 2016 when they were fervently against him before they became passionately for him.   

If the system was/is rigged, it’s because Donald Trump rigged it against Donald Trump. He rigged it against himself when he sexually assaulted over a dozen women and then went on a defamation spree denying it. He rigged it against himself when he lied on tax forms, bank applications and property assessments. He rigged it against himself when he used charitable funds as his own personal slush fund when the law required otherwise. And he rigged it against himself when Rupert Murdoch wrote a check for $787,000,000 rather than have his Fox News Channel staff have to testify, under oath, that the text messages and emails showing they were disgusted by Trump, but chose to lie, misinform and defame others for the love of money.

Thus, personalities such as Lou Dobbs, Bill O’Reilly, Roger Ailes and Tucker Carlson are just a few of those Murdoch relieved himself of in the name of financial prudence. Others in the brothel seem to be in a constant battle to be the top ho. Apparently, they feel safe in supporting Donald’s deranged reasoning that it was “common sense” for the January 6th rioting insurrectionists to want to lynch Mike Pence for obeying his Constitutional oath. Ironically, they ignored the lesson of the Gamble-Huff-Jackson hit song that Trump used to open Celebrity Apprentice. They sold their soul for the money.   


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