Sharia Comes to Court

By Calvin Hill

For all of the anti-Muslim bigotry and anti-Semitic bombast that has enabled the cult idolatry surrounding Donald Trump, and the fear of those religions infecting the American republic, it has been the justices of the United States Supreme Court that have been imposing their personal religious beliefs as the gospel according to the Constitution of the United States.

During arguments, one merely needed to hear Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s desire to invoke orphanages as her obsequious position concerning a matter of individual liberty, privacy and personal autonomy to become suspicious. Having not read the Dobbs decision, nor feel the urge to do so at this point, the excerpts that have appeared in print and through the analyses of the numerous pundits after the leaked opinion, legal and otherwise, have caused me to believe that Justice Sam Alito may have spent hours digesting the anti-abortion speeches of the late Jerry Falwell.

The anti-Muslim bigotry that took root in America after September 11th, has metastasized into a burning contamination of cancerous beliefs of anything and everything that is not skin white, God fearing Christianity. This latest iteration of the Federalist Society’s Supreme Court appears to concur. The Roberts’ Court has turned the first part of the First Amendment on its head by effectively making law respecting certain establishments of religion and prohibiting the free exercise of others. Despite anyone’s political leanings, every American, deist or otherwise, should be thoroughly and outspokenly disgusted that this SCOTUS denied a death row inmate the opportunity to pray with a pastoral leader of his faith simply because his God went by a different first name. For all of those insufferable politicians, their flock of white nationalist cultists, their right-wing media enablers and the misguided millions who trolled the internet retweeting and sharing ignominious drivel that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were going to turn America into a country governed by sharia law, I hope that sending a man to his state sanctioned death without the right and comfort to share the name Allah, with a fellow parishioner, completes you. For all others who have been paying better attention, your fear of America becoming a religious theocracy is much more valid.

This US sharia style court has reined terror on the rights of privacy merely because the word does not appear in the Constitution. However, it is doubtful that Clarence Thomas would continue to take this position were a lower court to compel his wife to testify as to their conversations regarding her involvement in the unpeaceful transfer of Presidential power and his adverse ruling protecting Trump’s records from disclosure. Note that spousal privilege is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. Nor is pastor/penitent or doctor/patient confidentiality. These are time honored, legally recognized, rights of privacy not spelled out in the Constitution, much like Roe concerning a woman’s bodily autonomy that was repeatedly sustained over 49 years.

One of the more hypocritically ironic positions of the devout right-wing, “pro-life” movement, is their stance that preteens should not be receiving sex education in school but those pregnant girls should be compelled to carry the child to term regardless of how it was conceived.

Now, the very justices who refused to recognize the inherent privacy right specified in Roe, are agitated and distressed about citizens practicing their First Amendment right to peaceably assemble and protest where the jurists happen to reside or dine. Sadly, our Washington politicians are all on edge in the belief that these judges are in urgent need of protection from unarmed Americans carrying placards on public streets, but those very jurists are totally safe dining with citizens strapped with a myriad of firearm weaponry in open carry states.

Ideological warfare has become the rule of ultra conservatives and it has negatively affected the once reasonable Republican Party whose base now considers compromise and moderate to be traitorous and sacrilegious. Unfortunately, that political minority has waged a jihad against privacy and America as a more perfect union. And the ayatollahs on the Roberts’ Supreme Court are there to justify this “holy” terror. 
