Donald’s Daddy Issues

By Calvin Hill

As we witness Donald Trump’s flailing rhetorical incoherence, his cruel imbecilic policies, and his refusal to believe in global and political expertise that far surpasses his educational ignorance, it appears that he still has a subliminal need to prove to his father that he does know what he is doing and that he is not the abject loser that Fred Trump saw each time he sat at his desk to write another check to bail out his uncontrollable, haphazard son.

After more than two and a half years of Donald Trump’s, ‘it’s not my fault’ press briefings, it is highly likely that his domineering father came to a much different conclusion after financially covering decades of failures. Were it not for Fred Trump’s Klan supporting, housing discrimination and white supremacist leanings, you might even be sympathetic to his decades of tax cheating, (as reported in the lengthy New York Times investigation), because he needed the extra millions of ill gotten gains just to cover the artlessness of his deal making scion.

Once again, the President of the United States has returned from an international “G” summit prevaricating about non-existent trade deals on the horizon while surrounded by an obvious glow of humiliation at the hands of Vladimir Putin. At this point, Trump’s overt obsession with nagging the other G7 member nations to allow Russia back into a G8 not only makes it obvious that the Kremlin Kommandant has the goods on The Donald, but also that Putin seems to be applying an inordinate amount of pressure to be reciprocated for his 2016 election aid.

Of all the amazing and illegal information in the Steele memorandum, much of it verified, former FBI Director, James Comey, claims that it was the hookers in the hotel room story that Trump was most obsessed with in his denials. Though embarrassing, if true, why would Trump be concerned about losing his base of support over that? He paid hush money to an adult porn actress and was caught lying about it. He is on tape bragging about grabbing women by their genitals. On national radio, he boasted of walking in on underage teenage pageant contestants as he pined indecently about the allure of their bodies. He has been credibly accused of raping a woman in a dressing room of a famous, upscale, New York department store. After all of this, the Republicans who claimed they could not endorse or support him and face their wives and daughters, supported and endorsed him. After all of that, the evangelicals who piously pontificated over the unacceptable character and behavior of Bill Clinton over his extra marital affairs, became post-vangelicals when they decided that a misogynistic, adulterous, sexually abusive, biblical commandment buster was, and is, saintly enough to be president. After all of this, why would Donald Trump even concern himself with the loss of support over the possibility of a tape consisting of a consensual romp in a Moscow hotel room replete with an unknown volume of urinary excretions? It certainly is not the same as shooting someone on 5th Avenue. Although deporting medically invited immigrants and caging infants and toddlers comes close. If such a tape is all that Putin has on Trump, he does not have much. However, that would not explain the fear on Donald Trump’s face when he walked out to the podium in Helsinki. It does not explain the passive acceptance Trump exhibited when Vladimir Putin usurped a seat next to Mrs. Trump at the 2017 G20 dinner in Hamburg. And an embarrassing hotel tape would not explain why this president went on a rambling defense of Putin’s annexation of Crimea teeming with a conspicuous degree of Obama envy.

The expulsion of Russia from the G8 was a collaborative G7 decision. Trump’s repetitive exercise in mendacity that “Putin outsmarted Obama,” was a feeble stretch that would even escape the sensibility of Pinocchio, though the term outsmarted probably has a familiarity to Mr. Trump. From the few things reported about Fred Trump over the past couple of years by Trump book authors, “outsmarted” seems to be a term his father might have thrown in his face with each bailout, and possibly, an inability to educationally compete that wound up with Donald in a military school. With his “tells” so transparent, Donald Trump would have been better served to learn to play poker before his casinos went bust.

In the eye-opening documentary, ACTIVE MEASURES, the filmmakers assess the rise of Vladimir Putin in a “democratic” Russia and the foray of the Trump Organization into Moscow as Putin engineered his consolidation of power. Trump’s overanxious desire to meet the “former” KGB operative during his Miss Universe pageant in Moscow indicated a well baited hook that Trump could not help biting. The bait was a grand Trump Moscow hotel. But Trump was unable to see that such a carrot was a means to a subversive end. It was never going to happen. He got outsmarted. And I’d bet his daddy would have told him that.




