Just Thought I Would Ask!

November 30, 2015                                                                                                                                                         By Calvin Hill

New Hampshire’s Manchester Union Leader has endorsed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for President of the United States in 2016.  On Sunday’s MEET THE PRESS, publisher Joe McQuaid was asked a series of questions about his newspaper’s endorsement.  Bridgegate notwithstanding, and still to be tried and adjudicated, the subject of Christie’s ethics, or lack thereof, was not broached.  The voting public has a right to know why a former prosecutor paid for unethical and/or illegal use of a state helicopter, and paid for unethical and/or illegal use of prime football seats after the fact.  Were the politicians and civilians prosecuted by US Attorney Christie given the opportunity to apologize, pay for their ill gotten gains, and walk back to their lives unscathed?  Inquiring minds should be seeking a substantive answer for the governor’s behavior.

How would GOP poll leader, Donald Trump’s hands on, ego driven business acumen allow him to divorce himself of the day to day running of his entire business empire should he become president?  Is it realistic that Trump could, and would, remain uninvolved should market forces negatively affect Trump’s enterprises?  And what is Trump’s “humane” policy for the deportation of 11 million undocumented immigrants?  And exactly how does he plan to warehouse the children of those deportees who are American citizens who cannot be legally deported?

Having choked on his own bipartisan immigration reform bill, why has Florida Sen. Marco Rubio not endeavored to reform his reform bill?  He is still a US Senator, though notably non-voting, who still possesses the capacity to negotiate and introduce legislation.  And after the US government has formed alliances with several brutal dictators and opened markets to some of America’s, formerly, sworn Communist enemies, why does Rubio insist that the almost 6 decade Cuban embargo must be maintained – even against the desires of his own party’s business interests?

The inauthentic, and seemingly anti-American, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has yet to put forth a coherent policy on anything that does not involve repealing Obamacare and shutting down the government.  His pseudo-concern for America and the American people seems so disingenuous that he appears to spend more time running the House Republicans than caucusing with his Senate colleagues in an effort to make American lives better.  In the age of terrorism, Sen. Cruz repeatedly chastises President Obama for not saying “Islamist terrorism” or “Islamic extremists.”  But having ridden to power as one of the poster boys of political rallies in this country featuring Americans brandishing Confederate flags, racially negative images of Barack Obama, placards and speeches decrying Obama as “not one of us,” and blatantly racial invectives toward the president, Cruz finds himself unable to utter the phrase, “racist Tea Party!”  Is Sen. Cruz so blind as to be unable to see that he is guilty of the very omission in language identification for which he harangues Pres. Obama!

After months of polling, debates, interviews, town halls, stump speeches, focus groups and 24 hour delivery of news regarding the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, it seems that these are just a few of the questions that have not come up – so, I just thought I would ask.
